Welcome to the Bedhampton Pianoshop Blog!

We have been restoring and selling pianos since 1988. We specialise in restoring and reconditioning old pianos, both upright and grand. Our work ranges from minor servicing right through to complete overhauls and rebuilding projects which take many weeks to complete.

The aim of the blog is to post regular progress reports on ongoing restoration work, as well as updates on the current available stock and any new arrivals. Where possible these updates will be accompanied by photos to demonstrate the work that we do.

Graham-Sales Director Bedhampton Pianoshop
02392 484802

Monday, 21 July 2008

Weekly Update - Week Commencing 14th July

A few different jobs to update this week.

The Broadwood grand soundboard has been repaired, and all the preparation work has been carried out ready to repolish. The bridges have also been cleaned up and sanded, before applying liquid graphite to the tops, to ensure that the strings slide easily across the bridge as they are tensioned.

The Hopkinson piano is completed and ready to be delivered back to the customer. The repolishing was carried out, with the piano being finished in a deep mahogany colour. The piano was re-assembled, with new felts and brass screws where necessary, and finally the regulation of the action took place. A few finishing touches and a final check over complete the job.

One new project for this week - restoring the case on a water-damaged piano, as part of a joint project with a local antiques/furniture dealer. Although the piano itself is of the straight strung and overdamped variety, stripping of the old polish revealed a beautiful rosewood which will be highly attractive when repolished. The brasswork has been polished, and the keys will be cleaned up.

Visit our website at http://www.bedhamptonpianoshop.co.uk/ to see details of the restoration work that we do, and to view all of our current stock.

David - Senior Technician
Bedhampton Pianoshop
02392 484802

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