Welcome to the Bedhampton Pianoshop Blog!

We have been restoring and selling pianos since 1988. We specialise in restoring and reconditioning old pianos, both upright and grand. Our work ranges from minor servicing right through to complete overhauls and rebuilding projects which take many weeks to complete.

The aim of the blog is to post regular progress reports on ongoing restoration work, as well as updates on the current available stock and any new arrivals. Where possible these updates will be accompanied by photos to demonstrate the work that we do.

Graham-Sales Director Bedhampton Pianoshop
02392 484802

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Weekly Update - Week Commencing 30th June

More progress is being made on our main projects.

Having stripped the old polish from the John Broadwood grand's soundboard, the wood has now been bleached to remove discolouration and marks. Once the splits have been repaired, the soundboard can be repolished to leave it looking almost like new. Also in the past week, work has begun to restore the action so that this will be ready to put back into the restored casework. So far, the front rail key bushings have been replaced, and all of the hammers have been removed from the action to have the old and worn rollers replaced with brand new ones. The old rollers were removed from the hammers, as shown in the picture, and the new ones are ready to be fitted. This should be completed within a day or two. Finally, a sample of the old bass strings and the relevant measurements have been sent to our string maker, who will prepare a set of copper wound strings designed precisely to fit this piano. To ensure the best tone possible, this is a crucial and specialised job.

The same process is also underway for the bass strings on the barrel piano which we are restringing. In the meantime, the necessary preparation for the restringing has taken place, and the main work will start tomorrow, when the treble strings will begin to be replaced.

As ever, visit our website at http://www.bedhamptonpianoshop.co.uk/ to see details of the restoration work that we do, and to view all of our current stock. Don't forget that the UP TO 20% SALE is still ongoing!!

David - Senior Technician
Bedhampton Pianoshop
02392 484802

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