Welcome to the Bedhampton Pianoshop Blog!

We have been restoring and selling pianos since 1988. We specialise in restoring and reconditioning old pianos, both upright and grand. Our work ranges from minor servicing right through to complete overhauls and rebuilding projects which take many weeks to complete.

The aim of the blog is to post regular progress reports on ongoing restoration work, as well as updates on the current available stock and any new arrivals. Where possible these updates will be accompanied by photos to demonstrate the work that we do.

Graham-Sales Director Bedhampton Pianoshop
02392 484802

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Weekly Update - Week Commencing 7th July

Plenty of restoration work done on several pianos this week.

The Broadwood grand is progressing well. Following on from the last update, the new rollers have been fitted (see photo), and the hammers have all been refaced to remove indents. The keybed was regulated to adjust the level of the keys, and the amount of travel or 'dip'. The whole action is now reassembled and ready to be returned to the piano, whereupon further stages of regulation can take place. The iron frame has also been resprayed (pictured), and the retaining bolts polished. Repairs to the soundboard splits are underway, with the wooden shims fixed in place. They now require sanding, before the whole soundboard is cleaned up and repolished, ready for the frame to be replaced. Hopefully the piano will be ready for restringing in the near future, after which the remaining regulation work can be carried out, and the piano will be playable!

A new project this week is the internal and external restoration of a Hopkinson upright piano for a client. The action has had a series of standard reconditioning jobs completed, including new return tapes, refacing of hammers and application of liquid graphite to high friction areas, as well as a thorough check for any other necessary repairs. Both front rail and centre rail key bushings have been replaced, and the keys have been cleaned and buffed. Brasses have been polished, and the casework is stripped and prepared for repolishing. Hopkinson pianos are generally very nice instruments, and the end result of all this work should be satisfying.

Finally, as anticipated in the previous update, the barrel piano has had the majority of the treble stringing completed. The bass strings are due to arrive in a few days time, and the job should be finished soon after.

Visit our website at http://www.bedhamptonpianoshop.co.uk/ to see details of the restoration work that we do, and to view all of our current stock.

David - Senior Technician
Bedhampton Pianoshop
02392 484802

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