Welcome to the Bedhampton Pianoshop Blog!

We have been restoring and selling pianos since 1988. We specialise in restoring and reconditioning old pianos, both upright and grand. Our work ranges from minor servicing right through to complete overhauls and rebuilding projects which take many weeks to complete.

The aim of the blog is to post regular progress reports on ongoing restoration work, as well as updates on the current available stock and any new arrivals. Where possible these updates will be accompanied by photos to demonstrate the work that we do.

Graham-Sales Director Bedhampton Pianoshop
02392 484802

Monday, 14 March 2011

Knight K10 and Richard Lipp piano.

Just arrived in our shop a 1980s mahogany finish Knight K10, These pianos were very expensive for the demise of the factory and 2003, the average price was anywhere up to £6000. These pianos are extremely good workhorses and favoured by many piano teachers we are selling this one for £2200 includes free local delivery when free first tuning. If you need more help advice please contact us on (023) 9248 4802 or visit our website at http://www.bedhamptonpianoshop.co.uk/
please note there will be a picture here soon.

We also have a Richard Lipp upright piano in mahogany finish just arrived, these pianos are of exceptional quality in both tone and touch it will shortly be assessed to see what restoration work needs doing and an estimate of the eventual price

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